Sorting Machines for Turned Parts, Pressed Parts and Stamped Parts

  • Test specimens are turned, stamped and pressed parts

The sorting machines are used for fast, fully automatic geometry inspection with high accuracy and for quality control. The sorting machines are designed application-specifically for a specific part spectrum and offer a wide range of evaluation options due to the programmability of the image processing system. The sorting machines can also include other tasks such as microstructure inspections.

Products: Sorting Machines for Turned Parts, Pressed Parts and Stamped Parts

Suppliers: Sorting Machines for Turned Parts, Pressed Parts and Stamped Parts

 ASENTICS GmbH & Co. KG, Siegen, Deutschland
 Carl Zeiss Automated Inspection GmbH & Co. KG (HGV Vosseler), Öhringen, Deutschland
 GEFRA Gm bH, Friedewald, Deutschland
 Gerhard und Götz GmbH & Co. KG, Groß-Zimmern, Deutschland
 Hörmle GmbH, Denkingen, Deutschland
 opsis - Gesellschaft für maschinelles Sehen mbH, Speyer, Deutschland
 OTTO Vision Technology GmbH, Jena, Deutschland
 SysCon GmbH, Mannheim, Deutschland
 visicontrol GmbH, Weingarten, Deutschland