Cable Systems and Cable Harnesses Assembly Automation

Typical Products
  • Connecting Cable
  • Cable Harnesses
  • Contact Carrier

Connecting cables are assembled electrical cables for the transmission of electrical energy and signals. They consist of one or more cores, a sheath and application-specific mounted connectors. Typical examples are coaxial cables, twisted pair cables, telephone, data, network and audio cables. Processing steps for cable assembly include cutting to length, stripping, wire stripping, crimping, plastic moulding and connector assembly. Connecting cables can be found in a variety of industries, such as automotive, household appliance and mechanical engineering. Cable harnesses are modular cable bundles that are used, for example, in vehicles to supply electrical and electronic components. They consist of a large number of individual cables and insulators that are pre-assembled with regard to electrical and geometric requirements, which are manually combined on a form board and fixed with cable ties or clamps. Branches, the connection of cable harness modules, additional fittings and terminal connections are realised via connectors. The advantages of using wiring harnesses include a smaller space requirement and easier installation. In addition to passenger cars, wiring harnesses are also used in commercial vehicles, motorbikes and ships. They are also used in equipment, machine and plant construction. Pre-assembled high-pole contact carriers are also available, some of which have several hundred optimised plug connections and are specially designed for use in vehicles, for example for operation on control units or for engine mounting.

Suppliers: Cable Systems and Cable Harnesses Assembly Automation

 AFT Automation GmbH Ölbronn-Dürrn
 Aumann Limbach-Oberfrohna GmbH Limbach-Oberfrohna
 Dietz & Rollwa Automation GmbH Karlsbad-Ittersbach
 Fichter Maschinen GmbH Eichstetten
 ima-tec GmbH Kürnach
 Lama Avtomatizacija d.o.o. Dekani
 LAS Lean Assembly Systems GmbH Lorch-Weitmars
 MartinMechanic Friedrich Martin GmbH & Co. KG Nagold
 MiniTec GmbH & Co.KG, Schönenberg-Kbg.
 PARO AG Subingen
 R+E Automation Technology GmbH Fellbach
 Reinhardt Technik GmbH Kierspe
 ruhlamat GmbH, Marksuhl
 Sinteco S.p.a. Longarone
 TECMES S.r.l. Vaiano Cremasco
 Unitechnologies SA Gals