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Eddy current testing devices for grinder burn detection and crack testing

Product Eddy current testing devices for grinder burn detection and crack testing from the supplier ibg Prüfcomputer
Product Features
  • Eddy current testing systems for non-destructive detection of grinder burns
  • Simple geometries: rotationally symmetrical inner and outer, cylindrical outer surfaces, flat surfaces
  • Detection of transverse and longitudinal cracks on polished surfaces possible
  • Inspection despite metal or protective coating
  • Calibration by grabbing given IO conditions by means of defined IO parts
  • Reduction of scrap production
  • Option: dimension control, data documentation

The eddy current test systems for grinder burn detection from ibg enable non-destructive 100% control in series production. Damage from grinding burns are local changes inherent tension, tempering zones and new curing zones. In contrast to other methods of detecting grinder burns, both typical grinder burn and surface defects are recognized. Open cracks are exemplary surface defects. This damage can occur during the finishing of workpieces by grinding. Prior to the first tests, the state of the good part is stored in the test system by including several good parts as reference parts. Each test part is compared to this complex reference data. It is also possible to store bad parts as crack master within reference data. The simple system design enables the reproducible test procedure to be quickly adapted to complex test tasks.

Eddy current test systems are used to detect grinder burns and surface defects in the series production of metallic conductive workpieces and in quality control. Typical test items are camshafts, bearing rollers or bearing rings and toothed racks. Balls from large ball bearings with diameters from 10 to 700 mm can be checked for grinding burn as well. Users can be found at the manufacturers of automotive components, engine, gear units and chassis parts.